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Can I get a free government grant for home repair and college?

asked 2015-12-10 18:10:09 -0700

Mary steward gravatar image

updated 2015-12-14 09:39:13 -0700

Marie gravatar image

I would use the money to fix my house and send my daughter to college. Can I get a free government  grant for home repair and college?

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answered 2015-12-11 14:08:04 -0700

Marie gravatar image

Mary that depends on a lot of things! The federal government provides "block grants" to the states which then give funds to local communities to use according to their needs. Often this will include some home repair grants, particularly for the elderly or those with children and whose home conditions cause a threat to their health and safety. You could start by doing a search for "home repair help" and the name of your town and county to see if there is an active program in your area. You can also take a look at this article about help for home repair --- it gives you straight facts and also some tips about how to find help.

With regard to sending your daughter to college --- there is so much help available! The government gives out tons of money for schooling and for some iof it all you have to do to "win" it is to have a low income! Learn quickly if your daughter could be eligible for the Pell Grant here. Also read about the FAFSA (Free Appllication for Federal Student Aid) to understand this important key to all government aid and loans for school! 

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