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I need help ASAP. My bank and social security won't help the $600 I lost at the ATM.

asked 2017-07-04 23:59:12 -0700

shadoflite1 gravatar image

updated 2017-07-10 21:27:14 -0700

Ricky gravatar image

Each is saying there's nothin they can do. Meanwhile I've bills and food concerns. Help can't happen soon enough. Still plan to fight this wrong that happened at the ATM which kept my $600.00 and has me at risk of losing much too much. Homeless is not an option as I am disabled. I have $900.00 rent and I'm not on Section 8 or recieving foodstamps. My health insurance is intact but that's the least of my worries. I need help ASAP. My bank and social security won't help the $600 I lost at the ATM.

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1 answer

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answered 2017-07-17 09:20:04 -0700

Ricky gravatar image

I'm a little confused about what has happened here..... not sure how an atm can take money from you but if the bank is in error that's clearly the place to start. In the meantime, there are some good tips and suggestions regarding how to find help where you are in this article called I Need Help.

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