USA Grants Banner

Will the US government call and offer you a free grant if you have not applied for it?

asked 2017-08-30 17:05:32 -0700

komullins61 gravatar image

updated 2017-09-04 21:34:31 -0700

Maurice gravatar image

Will the US government call and offer you a free grant if you have not applied for it?

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No. Beware of scams.

Webmaster ( 2017-09-04 21:35:13 -0700 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2017-09-05 08:42:07 -0700

Maurice gravatar image

NO, NEVER. The government does not operate this way and neither do other legitimate grantmakers. Please do not give them any personal information and certainly no money! The feds are aware of these calls and have issued warnings. Learn more about recognizing and reporting such calls in Free Money Phone Call Scams.

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